Popular Skin Care Treatments Compared with Silicone Pads

Skin Care Treatment Options

Let’s face it, we all want healthy-looking skin. For some people, this means looking flawless, but for most of us, it means looking our best. I want to explore skincare treatment options and compare them with silicone pads.

Silicone pads are an essential skin care product. However, there are so many other solutions including creams & lotions, dermabrasion, chemical peels, laser treatments, injections, and surgery.

All treatments have their advantages and issues, and by no means is only a single option necessary. By comparing the strengths and weaknesses of other products with silicone pads I hope to convince you why the pads are my personal favourite and why Real Kpopbeauty chooses to focus on these.

Silicone Pads:

Previously, I shared my research about how silicone pads work to restore your skin. They work by drawing moisture to the surface of your skin, encouraging collagen growth, and gently preventing your skin from creasing or folding so as not to make the problems even worse at night while you sleep. You can read the full report here.


  • Relatively cheap compared to other options
  • Work almost immediately
  • Very simple natural ingredients, few side effects are possible
  • Easy to use: clean your skin, stick them on and follow the care instructions from the package


  • Should not be used if you have a silicone allergy
  • The pads eventually have to be replaced
  • Cannot be used on open wounds without physicians directions
  • The lifespan of pads mostly depends on how you use and care for them
  • They can fall off, especially if used in areas of the skin with a lot of movement like joints

Compared to Silicone Pads:

Silicone pad products are all usually made with the same material. How long they last is the biggest factor. This usually depends on maintenance. Real Kpopbeauty has chosen quality pads with good adhesive and the right thickness, density, and shape so they won’t rip or tear easily. Be sure to read the instructions carefully to get the most out of your pads.

Decollete Pads by my brand, Real KpopBeauty, are silicone pads, designed to cover your chest to reduce wrinkles and skin damage.  They are available for purchase on Amazon.ca here.

Creams & Lotions:

Chances are you have tried a myriad of creams and lotions yourself at home and they are a part of your normal skincare regime. Many famous products exist, include hybrid products like mask packs, or exfoliants.


  • Familiarity, we have all used creams before
  • Ease of use, the directions are simple and should be on the container
  • Many options are available from basic moisturizing to medically active
  • Affordable, the price can vary but there is something for every budget
  • They won’t fall off and can be used all over your skin, including joints
  • Natural options are available


  • So many different types exist, it’s trial and error until you find ones that solve your problem
  • In some cases, it can take a while to notice results, especially with flattening scars
  • Can contain dangerous chemicals, often having many complex ingredients, you never know how your skin will react
  • Some creams may not be available in your area
  • You have to constantly re-apply them and some lotions don’t mix

Compared to Silicone Pads:

Just like silicone pads, creams and lotions are suitable for most people and are a great option, too. They are affordable and for the most part, you don’t need a special prescription or license to use them. Both of these products complement each other and are the best option for at-home use.

If you buy quality products and check the ingredients, serious issues are rare. You can apply lotion to the area not covered with silicone pads, or after you remove the pads.

Dermabrasion & Microdermabrasion:

Essentially a mechanical scrub, we are all familiar with exfoliating our skin. Ranging from pumice stones to sandblasting your body, removing dead and damaged skin can produce effective results. Dermabrasion is exfoliation using machines.


  • The process is fairly simple to understand and many options are available
  • Intensity can be varied depending on need and location
  • Microdermabrasion targets specific small areas to minimize collateral damage
  • Can be used to treat a wide variety of ailments and condition


  • Intensive treatments require professional care and specialized medical equipment
  • Over the counter, home treatments can result in serious damage to your skin and are less effective than professionally done procedures
  • Price can vary considerably and become expensive depending on treatments

Compared to Silicone Pads:

An exfoliation is a mild form of dermabrasion. At the saunas in Korea, you can hire someone to roughly scrub your body and it feels great. After you are scrubbed, relaxing with a Korean Mask Pack [Amazon link] is a very soothing conclusion to your spa treatment.

There are many tools you can buy to help you get the most from exfoliating at home. If you buy exfoliants, try to use natural ingredients like nut shells or pumice and avoid environmentally unsound products containing microbeads or plastics. We like exfoliating, but it is not to be confused with proper dermabrasion treatments.

Dermabrasion and microdermabrasion mainly refer to treatments that are performed by highly skilled professionals with specialized machines at the clinic. They can produce great results, but before you try this you may want to try the special wands to do it yourself at home.

Chemical Peels:

These treatment has been around for a while. Using chemicals to remove damaged skin under controlled conditions can produce effective results. You may even be familiar with household chemical products that bleach your skin to make it appear lighter or even remove hair.



  • Can rejuvenate severely damaged skin
  • Work great for sun damage
  • Treats hormonal damage caused by pregnancy
  • Treatments can be long-lasting
  • Many different types and options available: Glycolic, Lactic, Beta, etc.
  • Relatively pain-free, it sounds scary, but you don’t require painkillers to undergo treatment
  • Fairly safe, it wouldn’t be popular if it was dangerous


  • Blistering often occurs immediately after treatment and can last for days
  • Contains dangerous chemicals by definition, they literally burn your skin
  • The difficulty of use, medical supervision and prescriptions are practically essential, although home peels exist, we don’t recommend these
  • Can be expensive depending on the option
  • Ethical concerns if tested on animals 😦

Compared to Silicone Pads:

Let’s face it, chemical peels are a little scary and require medical supervision. However, if you have a problem and your skin care professional recommends it, or silicone pads don’t work, this option may be right for you. Often, as an after-treatment for the side effects, you will often be advised to use silicone pads to treat the scarring [more on this soon]. We don’t plan on offering any at-home chemical peels ourselves. Talk to your skincare professional for more information.

Lasers & Lights:

Largely the realm of skincare professionals, anyone who has been to a skincare clinic has probably seen the machines that won’t be out of place in a hospital or dentist’s office. Don’t be scared, they are relatively safe, common and very effective.


  • Many different treatments and options available including resurfacing and spot treatment
  • Treatments are often effective and lasting
  • Relatively cheap for spot treatment
  • Harsh chemicals aren’t necessary, it’s just electromagnetic waves and local painkillers
  • Treatment is often lightning-fast


  • Prices can vary depending on the treatment
  • Side effects can include scarring and itching
  • Equipment is expensive and complicated, requires medical technicians to use and operate
  • Home care is not practical or possible, although certain products such as LED masks exist, these are more comparable to creams & lotions than lasers
  • May require antibiotics after use to prevent infection

Compared to Silicone Pads:

Lasers & other light treatments are definitely a good option if your doctor recommends it. As with Chemical peeling, depending on doctors’ advice, silicone pads may be an aftercare option, and definitely something to consider before pointing a laser beam at your face. They are out of our scope of knowledge and supply, but if you find you need them, talk to your doctor. Maybe one day we will review LED masks to explore home options.


We have all heard of Botox and other such fillers including hyaluronic acids for treating wrinkles and lines. To avoid ending up like Frankenstein, you need a medical professional to advise you and apply treatments.


  • Immediate and effective results
  • Long-lasting effects
  • Treatment is simple to understand, it’s literally just filling up a hole, but it requires a trained professional and the right filler


  • It causes acute pain, similar to an injection
  • Side effects can be severe and complex so speak to your doctor
  • It’s possible to feel the filler in your face after treatment, life is plastic

Compared to Silicone Pads:

If Silicone pads won’t work, fillers often will. They are great for filling holes. However, they can be expensive and complicated. They are popular but definitely not for everyone, please talk to your doctor before considering them.


Also known as going under the knife. Cosmetic surgery can be used to completely reshape your face. Even facial transplants are a thing now. Used for treating major damage or changing something you don’t like, treatments vary considerably, but should always be done by a trained surgeon at a hospital.


  • Many treatment options are available
  • Plastic surgery can put all kinds of implants under your skin or cut and scrape away body parts to dramatically change your appearance
  • Treatments are immediate, effective, and long-lasting


  • Requires medical supervision and hospitalization
  • A lot can go wrong, it must be done by professionals
  • It’s usually the most expensive option
  • In some cases, there are social concerns

Compared to Silicone Pads:

We can’t reasonably compare the effects of cosmetic surgery with silicone pads. It is obvious which produces more dramatic results and which is more cost-effective and less invasive. However, silicone pads are often used as an after treatment for certain types of surgery. In any case, if you get surgery, you will already be talking to your doctor.


Silicone pads are very simple, inexpensive and easy to use for unlike some of the other skincare treatment options.

Silicone pads are made of 100% medical-grade silicone and can be sterilized. They contain no allergy-causing latex, urethanes, or adhesives. Additionally, the pads are non-transdermal meaning none of the pad’s ingredients will enter into your body.

Chances are you have already tried creams, lotions, and exfoliant scrubs. Like silicone pads, these can usually be done at home with little medical supervision or advice required. They often complement each other and are part of a normal beauty regiment.

Then there are more expensive options requiring medical supervision. Do not cut corners and definitely listen to the professionals.

Professionally applied chemical peels and dermabrasion work well and are simple procedures.

Lasers and light treatments use cutting edge technology that produces effective, immediate and often relatively problem-free results. These often require multiple treatments and can use silicone pads for aftercare.

Surgery or injections are other great options likely to produce long-lasting results. They are uncomfortable and invasive. These options can also work in tandem with the pads, often being used as aftercare for such procedures.

Some of the side effects of skin care treatments can be expensive, long-lasting or permanent. We have all heard horror stories. Do you want to take the risk of making any problems worse or developing new ones? Silicone pads are completely safe and reasonably priced. Whether for the face, scars, chest wrinkles, forehead, under the eyes etc. skincare with silicone pads is very appealing.

In all honesty, the only downsides we hear is about are glue not lasting and the silicone pad falling off.

With proper care, the medical grade adhesive can last for weeks. Wash the area you put it on before, keep the pad clean, store it properly…take care of it. More on caring for your silicone pads, later.

As for it falling off, well they aren’t meant to be worn everywhere. They are best used on areas that are flat and smooth and aren’t suited for movement. For example, they won’t work well on a hairy chest or an elbow joint.






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